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This Lenten Season (the six weeks leading up to Easter) offers us opportunities to come together as a church family and remember Christ's sacrifice for us.
We, at League City UMC, are excited you have decided to join us for the season of lent. As we move closer to Easter Morning, there are several opportunities for us to come together. We can come together in times of fellowship, worship and in study. These are the times when we connect and grow deep bonds with each other and where we deepen our understanding of Jesus's mighty act of sacrifice and love. Below is listed the Lenten Season events which includes a pancake supper, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maudy Thursday, Good Friday, a Lenten Bible Study opportunity, and a link daily Lenten devotionals. This is a time of deep reflection and great celebration!
If you have any questions, call the church office at 281-332-1557.
Each day a new devotion will be added. Click the button below and begin your walk with us towards the cross and deepen your understanding and love of the life of the one named Jesus.
On Palm Sunday, we commemorate the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-9) when people lined the streets and placed palm leaves in his pathway. People came to see him riding a colt and they shouted with great joy, " "Hosanna!"
Join us in person online or in person 9AM and 11AM.
We will be celebrating a special service in the round. Communion will be served during this service.
This service will be a night of prayer and worship as we remember Christ's sacrifice and turn our eyes to the miracle of Easter.
Celebrate all that Jesus has done for us!
Sunrise service will be 6:30 am. Join us for a special service as the sun rises. Magnify, our contemporary worship service, will be at 9 am and our Traditional worship service will begin at 11am.
League City United Methodist Church
1601 W. League City Pkwy, League City, TX 77573
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